Looking out over the forest, shadows were beginning to take hold of the landscape. And off in the distance, as if it were now tens of miles away the lights from the great city were dawning and illuminating the night sky. Whose massive buildings were now hidden by the tree line.

But in all other directions as far as the eye could see there was nothing except forest. Feeling no wiser to these surrounding than before the dangerous decent back down the tree began, but at least one prize had been salvaged and there would be no flirting with hunger on this night.

The decent down the tree was a tricky traverse but it was managed magnificently, to the limb called home for the night. But with no fire, and a limited ability to conjuring flames, this dinner would be served raw tonight.

The first one was smashed against the tree accidentally destroying most of the shell and letting the yolk free to run down his hand. It had a putrid smell so strong was it that with one whiff nausea set in. But there was some life left in the shell for dining on, if he could brave the smell.

So with one hand cupping the shell and the other to pinch his nose what was left was swallowed in one gulp. But a quick swallow would not be that simple. The yolk was thick and meaty and would not go down so easy. With a sharp convulse of his throat this meal of meals was fighting to stay afloat.

But with the patience of a sword swallower the bowl had been emptied. However, looking forward to eating the other egg in the same way would be left for another day. Instead the decision to save it for tomorrow and fry it on an open fire was the new verdict.

Now as the night sky crept in, expectations of its creatures and their torment to silence, were that a tranquil slumber would not be harbored till the next day’s dawn. But pleasantly surprised instead, they made a melodic rhythm with their sounds that actually evoked sleep.

Woken refreshed the next morning by the transformation of light; a memory of such a good night sleep could not be had. But upon waking, the realization that this was happening manifested. And the ever present dilemma that he may never make it back home quickly set in, but with a smile of infinite satisfaction he sat, knowing that he never wanted to go back.

Here I am, he thought, outside my element and clueless to everything around me. But already I am happier than I can remember being in years. All my life things were handed to me and I never had to work for anything. Sure I was educated and groomed for success which financially I had. But never was I as happy as now, when I have nothing.

And of all the knowledge I gained from books none is useful to me now. And with that the climb down from the tree commenced with intentions on exploring this new realm. Remembering an open spot that he saw when atop the tree, an urge to seek it out, in hopes of finding water was now in full effect.

While walking in passivity the tragedies that transpired up until this point, like Tina and his broken heart didn’t seem to trouble his mind as much any more. The forest felt magical. The birds in it sang a tune that was perfect for strolling to, so melodic was it that Frankie almost thought they were talking to him with their songs.