“Central, we need back up. We have a possible escape attempt in progress. We are at mile marker 254 on old crater road.” What the fuck did he just say an escape attempt. I may be going up for life but I don’t have shit to escape to.

Aside from my sister everyone I know wants me dead. And I am the only son of a bitch on this piece of shit. “Hey you back there, get on the fucking ground before I come back there and knock your teeth out.”

Just then a steel spear, over ten feet long shot through the door and impaled the driver. And when it sliced though him four grapplers popped out from his backside. With blood and guts spewing from this guard he was propelled across the bus, slamming into the door.

The spear was attached to a chain and that was being pulled by a twenty ton caterpillar. “Someone help me, oh my god this hurts”, the guard said as he was being crushed against the bus door.

The other two guards on the bus ran to his aid totally oblivious to the three men with automatic rifles coming around the other side of the bus. Holy shit is that Carlos. What the fuck is he doing here. If he’s here that only means one thing, that Demitri is behind all of this.

Just then the impaled guard and the door were ripped from the bus like a tab on a Pepsi can. “Oh shit”, the second guard said after setting his eyes to the perpetrators. But as he reached for his holstered Taurus 9 millimeter he took two to the head; and was dead before his body even hit the dirt.

His brains exploded all over the third and final guard who had yet to see the villains. But with chunks of brain stuck to his check he still had time to draw before they could take aim at him.

However that didn’t matter, because once Carlos and the other two thugs started shooting they didn’t stop until the bus started to look like Swiss cheese. He took a defensive position behind the front row of seats in the bus and tried picking his targets who were only feet away.

But every time he went to shoot his attempts were answered with round after round of vicious life stopping malice. Shooting blind the guard had unloaded his clip without hitting even one target. And now the pirates had pounced.

Carlos had the steaming hot barrel of his rifle pressed squarely to the temple of this guard. “Please, please god, don’t kill me. I have a wife and kids at home. Take the prisoner and go I promise I won’t stop you.”

“Fuck you and your pussy ass excuses pig.” Boom, boom, boom. “We will take what we want you fucking pussy. I don’t need your permission.”